Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Why I disdain Trevor Crane...

I know it is a harsh title, but hear me out.

About two years ago I was watching CardoneTV and there was a channel called the “Financial G-Spot” operated by Robyn Crane. Interesting show, and I like to learn. There was an opt-in where you could get more info and a book Robyn had written about finances. I didn’t know at the time that it was directed primarily at women, could have been because I didn’t read far enough, etc... I just bought the book and logged off and awaited my book. Months passed and it still hadn’t arrived. I was curious, the book should have been here by now. I went to the email confirmation and dialed the number. To my surprise a guy picks up and I ask about the book and why it hasn’t arrived. He asked me to hold and asked someone else and I was told it would be getting shipped.  This was the first time I met the man I now disdain, Mr Trevor Crane.

Shortly after this phone call A package arrived at my office and it was filled with books. The original one I ordered and several titles by the man I disdain, Trevor Crane. I have a shelf full of books in my office, not bragging, just a reality. I really love to read! I couldn’t say this when I finished college, but now it rings true. I promptly took the stack of books I had received and placed them in the “to read” section. There they sat for a few days. I picked up “The Gift” and started reading it, but it didn’t grab me right away ( I have since read it a couple of times) Then a book called “Greatness Quest” caught my eye and I picked it up. I was on a quest for greatness, wasn’t I? The intro grabbed me, a letter from his Grandfather, I was very close with mine, not to miss the important moments, alsoma fear of mine. So I grabbed it and read through it the first time. I was not disdained with Trevor Crane yet, I had read many books and not taken action before, just read, yup, I’ll get to that later and the whirlwind of life took over and I forgot I take the actions necessary, but something drew me back to the book again. I really wanted to be on a Greatness Quest, I thought I was, but I was giving up today with hopes that tomorrow would be better. That can continue in perpetuity until soon I would be old and not have done what I wanted with my life. Now is when I started to disdain Trevor Crane. He opened another door in my life, with a challenge for acting today to build tomorrow instead of wishing it would happen. Helping me to think bigger and examine possibilities that were outside of reach before that I may have read about, thought about, but not acted on. So I read the book, started to make some changes, but still continued to be frustrated at the speed of my success. Shouldn’t I be further, shouldn’t that be automatic by now? The cake the real event, I got on the phone with him for a phone call. That phone call was direct and challenging, thisnis where irritation became downright frustration! He challenged me, called me out on my nonsense, talked direct. It was almost like he wanted me to succeed. (Of course he did) and took me to another level. Trevor Crane challenged my thoughts words and actions.

So although I have disdain for Trevor Crane, it is because I didn’t want to change. Maybe I wasn’t ready to hear what I was capable of, maybe it was because his 9 year old daughter has 9 more bestselling books than I do. I was ready to be challenged. Who is challenging you? Sometimes it is easier to have someone else challenge you because the one saying about discipline is “Thou shall not fake thyself out.” I am not where I want to be business wise, health wise or relationship wise, but great information has set me on a path. It’s not always easy, but when I have really pushed in the past, it has felt worth it. If it hasn’t, then I was probably feeling ungrateful and whiny.

So Dear Trevor Crane, Robyn Crane, Phoenix Rose Crane, all your blogs, books, coaching, classes, mentorships, Caring,  Humor, bad jokes, and everything else you do, you are impacting people’s lives and we are listening. This is why I disdain Trevor Crane.